Our Treatments

The purpose of this treatment is to restore joint mobility by applying a controlled force into joints that have restricted movements as a result of a tissue injury.

Electric Stimulation
Works by activating the nerves and muscles in your body, improving muscle function. The stimulation increases the flow of blood helping reduce pain and muscle spasms.

Hot and Cold Compress
Cold helps to reduce muscle inflammation, tenderness, pains and good for sprains, strains, bumps and bruises. Heat promote blood flow helping muscle relax.

Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is safe, reduce inflammation and accelerates recover from a wide range of acute and chronic clinical conditions treatment. It takes a few minutes per visit.

Neuromuscular Therapy
This treatment gives fast and lasting pain relief and restores the loss of function which occurs due to injuries to the nerves, connective tissue, muscles and joints.

Mechanical Traction
It is a form of decompression therapy that relieves pressure on the spine and is used to treat herniated discs, sciatica and many other back conditions.

Therapeutic Exercices
Our goal is to turn an injured person to a pain-free through physical activities that help restore and build physical strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and stability.

Therapeutic Massage
It helps to heal from whiplash injury, increase blow flow and circulation to the muscles and tissues feel less tension or stress and more relaxed.

Therapeutic Ultrasound
It is a painless treatment that uses high energy sounds waves to treat painful conditions and promote tissue healing.